RMI leads in the market by developing cost-effective recycling programs for the wastewater solids produced at pulp and paper mills.
Our approach towards serving the industry is partnering in providing solutions both for the generator and for the recipient of the valued residual materials.
In New England, pulp and paper residuals are used in numerous ways:
- in manufactured topsoils, the abundant organic matter improves soils
- as bedding for dairy and other animals, the fibers and clay absorb moisture and provide padding
- in the impermeable cap on closed landfills, the high clay content ensures an impermeable seal
RMI creates innovative programs
RMI recycles and then markets pulp and paper sludge – as Heart & Soil Paper Fiber and Paper Fiber Bedding products – into soil-building programs, agricultural applications, and construction uses. The attributes of the paper fiber product make it ideal for use in engineered soils, impermeable barriers and erosion-resistant projects. Animal bedding and composting amendments are also innovative RMI programs for paper fiber.
RMI handles paper fiber from both small and large generators. We provide turnkey solutions and services that allow operators to make paper and focus on core business, while letting RMI take care of the paper fiber residuals.
RMI handles everything so you don’t have to! We take care of permitting, compliance, record keeping, and reporting. We do the hauling and take care of the end-users. RMI provides reliable solutions for your business model.
RMI approaches the development of new markets with a mission of environmentally conscious, practical and sensible use.
RMI puts your organic waste to work
Our team works closely with you to assess the operating needs, keep costs to a minimum, and find the right type of beneficial reuse for the material.
We provide turnkey recycling services, including product development, regulatory permitting, compliance oversight, transportation, and beneficial use throughout the New England and eastern New York.
RMI—Your Partner from Start to Finish
For more information about our RMI services or products, please contact us at 603-536-8900
email: RMI@RMIrecycles.com