The Challenge
Foul odors emanating from an active composting operation are a recipe for closure of the facility. Controlling odors can be an expensive endeavor for a wastewater treatment facility. In many cases the facility would have to invest in a costly upgrade such as enclosing the composting operation or shipping their untreated sewage sludge off-site to be managed elsewhere
The Solution
High Carbon Wood Ash is an outstanding product for controlling odor-causing compounds like dimethyl disulfide and methyl mercaptan commonly found in composting operations. Some facilities that were shut down due to odor have been able to reopen and maintain a viable program thanks to the use of High Carbon Wood Ash. In addition to killing odors, High Carbon Wood Ash minimizes the vector attraction of stacked compost windrows. Both the decrease in odors and vector attraction reduction makes any compost facility a better neighbor
“Other ashes are too fine and dense, we had trouble reaching temperatures during the winter months. That’s not a problem with the high carbon wood ash. It heats right up” ~ Municipal Wastewater Treatment Operator